The 16th Day of Summer, 501 AV Hard as he may try, Eoin could claim he wasn’t excited, but the boy was never too good at make believe. Now, cleaning the aeries wasn’t exactly a coveted job, but this was his first time even seeing the inside of an Endal’s home, the chosen few selected by the Wind Eagles themselves to ensure the survival of the citizens and to protect Wind Reach should disaster strike. It was an honour to directly help one of these heroes, as Eoin made them out to be, even if in the end it was just housecleaning. Thoughts wandering still, the boy finger combed his short, copper hair mindlessly. The length was getting a bit long, fortunately mostly at the back where it would not hinder his sight, but at least this way he would be mistaken for a drudge on fewer occasions. It was a bit unnerving to experience what the Deks did on a daily basis, being threatened rather than talked to, mistreated in general, and punished more severely than called for. Even if it was just one or two cases of mistaken identity, Eoin never wanted to feel as powerless as he did then. Perhaps it would encourage the boy to grow out his hair a bit more, look a bit more attractive for the girls, but he found it impractical, frivolous even, and refused to think otherwise. Finishing the short grooming session, his fingers found themselves weaving through long, orange strands of hair as he quickly braided them together. It may look like a bit rushed, but he wouldn’t want to be late and ruin his perfect attendance. Pulling his dark brown Bryda on, Eoin shoved his feet into two worn ankle boots before heading off to the aeries. A long climb separated him from his destination, and he figured the shortest route would be to pass by the Courtyard of the Sky, going up from there. In this situation, avoiding the kitchens was key, since the boy had forgotten to eat beforehand and would likely succumb to the scent of hot soup or beard, resulting in a very late Yasi. He walked quickly, taking two steps in the time span of one so that he may slow his pace down when he begins the lengthy climb. Reaching the bottom step, Eoin conserved his energy and ascended the stairs at his usual pace, certain that he would be right on time. The Endal had spoken to him briefly the day before, showed him the location of his aerie and gave the same general instructions that differed only slightly with every job. None of that was out of the ordinary, but what was was the fact that the boy felt as though he had forgotten something. Usually Eoin had the memory of a tskanna, but today was a bit of an off-day for him, and his growling stomach definitely agreed. Reaching the entrance, he took a quick, deep breath before knocking on the large wooden door, only to find it swing open. That was it. The Endal had said he would leave it unlocked just before Eoin would arrive as the hunter had business to attend to and could not meet with him. Actually now that he thought on this, the boy wasn’t so sure if that was all, but at least now he’d be able to begin his task. But first, the Yasi would allow himself a chime or two to look around. What the boy came face to face with was definitely not what he was expecting. The room was…filthy. Well, perhaps not to that extent but nonetheless, Eoin found himself disgusted with the condition of the aerie. The shelves and everything on it was littered with dust, some parts even housed spiders and their unmistakable webs. Likewise, the stone tables and chairs that sat in the middle of the room looked untouched, what was assumed to be the washroom door handle was rusting, and some areas of the common room had an abundance of cave mould. Evidently, the Endal did not spend much time here – perhaps more preoccupied with long hunting trips – and he clearly did not have any roommates other than his winged companion. How the Wind Eagle could stand these living conditions, he did not know. All Eoin knew now was that every ounce of excitement he had just a moment ago had vanished, and in its place was a creeping sense of dread. As he explored the rest of the aerie, the boy found the other rooms to be of similar condition with their own unique differences. The private bath had remnants of blood and dirt, likely from washing up after a hunt. The feather mattress in the bedroom was tearing, the weapon room was in complete disarray and the nesting chamber, well actually, it was the only well-kept room in the aerie. Clearly, the eagle did not venture far from his own lodgings. Feeling as though there was a great deal to be done, Eoin glanced over at the newly purchased bucket and rags, dragged himself over to the washroom, and reluctantly began his work. |