PC Name’s (Required)
Physical Information (Required)
Spring 511AV, 20
Physical Description
Dasthar is a 6'3'' tall male who is slightly skinny wearing a nice commoner set of clothes with a very patchy cloak with random colors sewn into
place where other fabrics used to be. He has grey eyes and short black hair with a nose that looks like it had been broken at one time or another.
Character Concept (Optional But Recommended)
Personality - Depending on his setting he can be anything from a loud and entrancing speaker to a silent and reclusive watchman he does everything
in a way to make sure that people either enjoy themselves, have good brought to them, or something that keeps him alive and payed.
Ethics - His morals aren't very well written as they seem to change one moment to the next depending on the situation.
Likes - He really enjoys telling the old stories and playing music
Dislikes - He has no issues with any of the races to date mainly because anyone he runs into either enjoys what he does or tries to kill him and
Character History (Optional But Recommended)
Pre-Creation - Through most of his childhood Dasthar was always at home helping his large family on their farm with his other siblings and his
parents just barely managing to get by with what they had. As his time went by he grew older and did even more work on the farm while his brothers
and sisters got married. By the age of 15 he had found a traveling bard who had been getting on in years and wanted someone to help him in his
travels. Dasthar then found himself apprenticed to him after a small audition to prove himself to the man. For 5 years he traveled with the man who
eventually passed on due to no small help from drink and long nights with lots of travel. Dasthar finally ended up in Sylira selling his practices
to the inns to try and get some money saved for his lodgings and food.
Training & Skill Points (Required)
Starting Package (Initial Skills/Points)50 points to start
Story-telling- 10
Brawling- 5
Disguise- 10
Play Musical Instrument- 25 (10 starter + 15 for race)
Acrobatics- 5
Juggling- 10
Earned Skill/Points
Equipment/Possessions (Required)
1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week or 1 bottle of embalming fluid (for Nuits)
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel
Ledger (Required)
100gm starter (500gm for cashed in shelter)
Harp -50 gm
Flute, Metal -15 gm
Dog, guard -25 gm
510gm remaining
Thread List (Optional)