Season of Spring, Day 59, 511 AV
After leaving the place he called home for the last 23 years, the place filled with bad memories that he couldn’t shake off. And only recur in the nights where sleep was the last thing to be found. Sirus, hoping that a journey, and the sights and sounds of a new place will help heal the scars he has of the places he’s been before. Hitching up his backpack tighter to him, he takes his first steps onward to Syliras. His eyes looking around, keeping at least one eye out for danger, a small trick that doesn’t always work, but worked well enough to save him once or twice on the streets of Sunberth growing up. And ducking the occasional punch his angry father threw his way.
After a few bells travel on the road he notices a familiar landmark off in the distance some miles, The Caern. He nods to himself and sets off once more, heading more directly to The Caern instead of on the road that is lazily rolling through the hills, Sirus wants to pay his respects to those that lost their lives, and maybe take a look around on top of that hill, to try and get a better bearing on the landscape of this area.
A few more bells later, with the spring sun beating down upon his shoulders he settles the argument he's been having with himself and finds some shade under a small group of trees. Pulls out a small piece of dried fruit from his small stash of dried foods and starts eat slowly while watching the plains before him. The small tuffs of wind blowing the grasses like waves upon the sea. The sounds of birds calling out to each other singing sharply in his ears, ringing quite differently than the sounds of the lawless town.
OOCThese posts should get better, just a bit rusty. And if anything needs clearing up, just lemme know.