Spring 42, 511 AV
Dimitri woke up, relaxed and refreshed, looking forward to another day of training. He hopped out of his bed when his intuition told him something was horribly wrong. A heavy pit formed in his stomach, nausea settling in. The stormclouds had rolled in. A single note addressed to him sat atop his shield. A note from Ser Adamal Brinkaas. He grabbed it, wondering what insane thing he had him doing now.
To Squire Dimitri,
I have a challenge for you to undertake. I have taken you sword from you. I'm currently patrolling somewhere in Syliras proper or the fields. You are to hunt me down and regain your sword by any means necessary. You have until sundown to accomplish this. A killing blow from me will force you to resign. Retrieve your pride squire.
Dimitri sighed and left his shield in its place. Where would he even begin? He would have to locate him first. Stationed Knights through out the city would have seen him pass by. He would start at the main gate. If Ser Adamal passed through there, they would know. And that would cut the possible area in half. As he started toward the gates he wondered how he would get close enough to retrieve his sword unnoticed. He wasn't fast enough to snatch it from him. He didn't even know if Adamal had it on his person. Spying might work, but others would notice. So he needed a disguise. He arrived at the gates and the guards confirmed Adamal had left.
"How to make a disguise...?" he said aloud to himself.