"Your secrets you sick, Your lies keep you alive..." ![]() Basic Information Race: Human Birthday & Age : 491 AV, Summer 3 ((20)) Gender: Female Languages: Common(Fluent) Family: None so far. Physical Description: Canali has long brown hair, so dark it seems black, flowing in tendrils down her back. They stop just about midway. Naturally, the curls flow away from her face. A small nose lays just above pouty-lips. Black eyelashes rest against her cheeks when she blinks, and there is a small arch in the eyebrows. Cream-colored skin is clear of any blemishes, such as freckles, moles or otherwise. She stands at five feet seven, weighing only a hundred and twenty pounds. Lightweight, skinny frame. Her pinky fingers are crooked by birth. Within grey eyes hides a hurt child. She generally wears some type of tank top, whether it be tight or loose;red or blue. Soft leather, hard leather, or just a light jacket covers her torso. Mainly black. Leggings lay under a medium-length skirt which flares out. Shoes, depends. If she is in the kitchen or relaxed, the shoes come off. Often, Canali will be spotted carrying her shoes. In a tense atmosphere or social, shoes stay on. Character Concept Laughter comes seldom to this body, but when it does, rings out in a tinkling sound. Often, if she finds something funny, Canali will often release a small smile; perhaps just a twitch of the lips. Her eyes alight before anything else. Singing as a soprano is a past-time of hers, though food will always come first for her. Quiet and to herself, Canali comes off as reserved. However, around friends or family, she comes alive and jokes, flirts, or even laughs. Love doesn't come easy to Canali, but then again, she isn't searching. ![]() If Canali were to ever see someone in trouble, her first instinct is to help. Even if they have the chance of turning against her or becoming her enemy one day. Canali believes everyone deserves a second chance and is open to forgiveness. There are several things she cannot forgive, however, such as murder or betrayel. Disloyalty bothers her to no end, and she cannot stand those who will betray their own family, their own friends, for a small prize. Cooking relieves her stress, as does singing. Current changes in her present life has caused Canali to realize murder isn't always bad, if you are defending yourself and not seeking revenge. She is also learning to be more open and relax around people she knows, or even doesn't know. While secretly hoping to expand on her own dreams, she knows others' comes first right now and is willing to step back. Headstrong, Canali has learned others succumb to her "puppy dog eyes" and uses them in rare situations to get her way. She is laughing more and becoming more responsible since she had taken on a pet. Character History Canali's birth day was a bloodbath. Blood curdling screams had flown through the air, filled with pain and suffering. The healer was unsure of what to do. Sarah, Canali's mother, was breached. In a last ditch effort, the healer was forced to slice Sarah's stomach to retrieve the baby. Though stitched well, Canali's mother developed a raging infection. Unfortunately, Canali's mother passed away three weeks after giving birth. Canali was a bubbly child; constantly chattering and bouncing all over the place. Laughter echoed out of her and she made friends very quickly. Though they didn't have much, Canali never ceased to find some way to create a game. She loved dancing in the rain; feeling the liquid slide down her cheeks and drops racing down window panes. Drawing became a pasttime of hers. ![]() Though he tried, Canali's father, Nathan, did not make a good mother/father figure. Jobs were slow in coming, and for several months, they lived upon the streets of Sunberth, living off of what was given to them by kind strangers. It wasn't much, and the father and daughter pair barely got by. At age thirteen, Nathan became involved in the drug business. He refused to do them himself, but sold and delivered the substances. Though she pleaded for him to stop, he didn't. Many atimes did Canali travel with him. Two years later, he was killed on a run. Canali had been with him. Lifechanging had been the scene of seeing her own father die; of being at his side as the blood dripped steadily out and he took his last breaths. Smiles became rare for Canali, and a pained look often filled her eyes for the months, even years afterwards. An orphanage had taken in Canali, and to repay the favor, she was forced to work in the kitchens. Soon enough, Canali began to enjoy cooking. Looked forwards to putting emotion into flavors. Angry? Spice it up a little! Sad? Lose yourself in a spoonful of flavors. Upon legal adult age, Canali set out into the city on her own. Whether it be a small difference or even managed to get her killed, she was going to help restore at least a small amount of order to the city in some way. In current day, she is still trying to make a difference, but in a different way. Instead of being plowed over and killed, Canali has joined the Crimson Edge Gang. Many acquaintances have come from this decision, as does protection. A Vantha child, Nasib, was taken under Canali's wing on fortunate night. She intends to take him to Mura. Her cat, Katahr, is also a permanent fixture in her life. Goals In Canali's Life :
▬ Be in a relationship with an Akalak.
▬ Visit Mura. ▬ ▬ Work as a top chef. ▬ Be able to use all of the kitchen utensils as weapons. ▬ Create her own song. ▬ Learn to swim. ▬ Create a new meal. ▬ ▬ Learn water reimancy. ▬ Learn to ride a horse. ▬ ▬ ((No specific order)) Against Crime :
![]() ![]() "Father please! Why must we go to his place at night? You know these streets are more than dangerous after dark." More than once they had been confronted by street-dwellers. Canali didn't want to deal with those who were overly hazardous unless necessary.
Nathan, Canali's father, turned to face her. Crouching down, his callused hands rested upon her thin shoulders. "Hun, this is something I need to have done. Wouldn't you like a little more money to spend? I'm doing this for us. You can run along home," which was just a tavern room they had rented for the night; a place they probably wouldn't even pay for, "and wait for me there." His tone was gentle and pleading, but if it had been light, Canali would have seen the anxiety in his eyes. She would have found some way to turn him back to home; to wait until morning light. Unfortunately, she didn't. "No," a stubborn shake of dark hair, "Please, father, let's just go home. We haven't sat down to a good meal in awhile. The tavern has warm food. Let us fill up our stomachs and pretend we are Gods and Goddesses, eh?" A sigh slid out of her as she realized her father was done listening to reason. Why did he have to be so set on making money? So far, she had only seen it ruin people, not make them better. "I'll go." No way was he going to be alone in these streets after dark. So they pushed onward, growing ever the closer to his "friend"'s house; where Nathan was to drop off the drug substance. Canali was paranoid, eyes twitching at every sound and breath coming in short spurts. Nathan seemed not to notice the noises; his mind trained only on reaching the destination, nevermind the obstacles. Weaving their way through the streets became hurried. "Father, there is someone following us! I know it!" Canali exclaimed, head jerking around at the sound of a muttered curse. It seemed as though the stranger had tripped over something; probably the trash which lay in heaps around. Alleyways were never clean. Goosebumps rose upon her skin; the hair on the back of her neck rose also. A long suffering sigh slid from Nathan's lips. Canali had an imagination, and obviously this was a figment of it to turn him back towards the tavern. Didn't she want a better life as much as he did? She didn't talk of it, but she was his daughter. He knew her. Did she not know him? Did she not realize it would only be a few more runs before they were sure to strike it rich. People were beginning to come to him more; asking for more. He would be able to up the prices soon enough! Ignoring his daughter for now, it was for the best, he simply grasped her upper arm and steered her towards a lit house. Too paranoid to notice they had arrived, Canali kept glancing over her shoulder. Was that shadow too much of the shape of a human? Did something move to the right? "I need to speak to him. It would be better if you weren't in sight, Canali." Pointing to the shadows to the left of the doorway, Nathan proceeded to instruct her to hide. Scrambling away, she disappeared from sight. Nathan knocked upon the wood door. A large burly man answered. "Do you have the stuff?" came from the man in a deep baritone voice. Nathan nodded. "Good, good." A switch of hands proceeded in the next few moments before the man lifted a bag to his nose and sniffed. "You did well, Nathan." Several clinking sounds were heard as the money was passed over. "I'll see you next week." And then the door shut. Canali was about to come out of the shadows after Nathan stepped off of the stoop, but her grey eyes caught a movement in the darkness. A human form was moving quickly towards Nathan. "You sure do look like an interesting man, Nathan, I'm willing to bet you just earned a few mizas, eh? They sure do come in handy for those who are poor. It'd be better for all of us if you shared a little." A threatening tone had come into the form's voice. He stayed just out of sight, in the shadow. Nathan had froze. Canali's imagination hadn't been playing, this time. Canali! Hopefully, she was smart enough to stay out of sight while this... This, streetdweller accosted him. Turning slowly towards the form, Nathan tried to hold his tone steady as he responded. "Yes, we poor need to stay together. However, I'm afraid I can't share any. You see, I have a daughter who needs to have medical attention; else she'll die." Not true. "Would you let me past, now; she is in need of medicine soon?" The form moved without warning. One second he was in the shadows, the next burying a dagger deep within Nathan's chest. Nathan stumbled backwards before falling to his knees. One hand raised weakly to grasp the stranger's hand which clasped the weapon. His eyes had widened and seemed to large for his face; too white in the darkness. Canali... Where was Canali? The murderer seemed to have forgotten Canali was nearby and withdrew the dagger. Nathan slid to the ground, limbs at awkward angles. It was covered in almost black blood, which twinkled in the right lighting. Making a disgusted sound, he wiped it upon his pants and proceeded to take whatever mizas Nathan had in his hand before running off. "..Daddy?" For a moment, Canali was frozen in the shadows, her own eyes as wide as Nathan's had been before running over to where he lay sprawled. Her knees were scraped as she landed on them next to her father. Frantically, both hands pressed to his chest. Blood still pooled under his body. No movement, no pulse, came from Nathan. "Daddy? Oh, daddy!" Animals: ![]() Name: Katahr Age: Little less than 6 months. Gender: Male Skills: -Hunting((Small Rodents)): 10 -Hunting((Fish)): 5 -Weapon((Claws)): 5 -Intimidation: 10 Use: Companion, Eating all of Canali's food, Hunting Mice Canali has one animal; a tiny little kitten who was malnourished and wild when Canali first found him. Little less than six months old, the kitten was half wild and stuck inside of a hole within the confines of a fire-burnt house. Having only taken shelter from a wild storm that was passing through after bartering at the market, Canali barely overhead the plaintive meowing coming from the side of the house. It was a struggle to make it from one side of the house to the other on slitted boards which could have fallen through at any time. Having no idea of what the animal was, Canali was pleasantly surprised to find a kitten. The trouble was getting him or her out of the hole. Especially since he seemed to be favoring his front left paw. ![]() Using her noggin and multiple items in her backpack, Canali created a basket contraption out of an apron and a pair of pants. Scooping the frightened kitten up, Canali slipped him inside of the backpack before heading home; back to a messy camp of the Crimson Edge. Upon arriving, the kitten was fast asleep. Obviously being the best sleep to have received in quite awhile, Canali set his front paw in a splint before catching some z's herself. When the sun slid over the horizon, basking another day in its glory, Canali found a very terrified kitten hissing at her in the corner of the tent. Peace was achieve by a piece of jerky. Katahr is very protective of Canali, and follows her often through the streets of Sunberth. While shy of others and mistrusting, he is learning that not everyone is out to kill him. Katahr loves Canali's cooking and often tastes it before anyone else even does! He works this off by catching mice and other small rodents in the kitchen. Spoiled rotten and a child at heart, Katahr loves playing.
Skills ♦Singing 17/100 ((Starting Package)) (+2) ♦Cooking 35/100 ((Starting Package +15 Racial Bonus))(+3)(+2) ♦Gardening 5/100 ((Starting Package)) ♦Food Preservation 5/100 ((Starting Package)) ♦Drawing 12/100 ((Starting Package))(+1)(+1) ♦Acrobatics 4/100 (+2)(+2) ♦Acting 3/100 (+3) ♦Animal Husbandry 4/100 (+4) Brawling 1/100 (+1) ♦Carving(Slingshot) 4/100 (+4) Foraging 1/100 (+1) ♦Husbandry(Childcare) 6/100 (+3)(+3)(+3) ♦Intimidation 2/100 (+2) ♦Jumping 2/100 (+2) ♦Medicine 6/100 (+1)(+2)(+1)(+1)(+1) ♦Negotiation 7/100 (+1)(+2)(+2)(+1)(+1) ♦Observation 16/100 (+2)(+1)(+1)(+2)(+1)(+1)(+4)(+1)(+3)(+1) ♦Organization 3/100 (+3) ♦Persuasion 6/100 (+4)(+2) Rhetoric 1/100 (+1) ♦Riding 1/100 (+1) ♦Running 4/100 (+1)(+2)(+1) ♦Seduction 5/100 (+2)(+3) ♦Socialization 9/100 (+2)(+2)(+3)(+2) ♦Stealth 8/100 (+2)(+1)(+2)(+2)(+1) ♦Subterfuge 1/100 (+1) ♦Swimming 1/100 (+1) ♦Teaching 3/100 (+1)(+2) ♦Tracking 3/100 (+3) ♦Unarmed Combat 3/100 (+2)(+1) ♦Weapon:Dagger 1/100 (+1) ♦Weapon:Pan 1/100 (+1) ♦Weapon:Slingshot 4/100 (+4) ♦Wilderness Suvival 2/100 (+2) ♦Writing 1/100 (+1) ![]() Equipment
◘1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included) ◘1 Waterskin ◘1 Backpack which contains: •1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap) •Food for a week •1 eating knife •Flint & Steel ◘Salt (4 oz) ◘Parsley (4 oz) ◘Sage (3 oz) ◘Basil (4 oz) ◘Onion (10 oz) ◘Sugar (2 lb) ◘Tea Leaves (4 1/2) ◘Smoked Beef (1 lb) ◘Pot, Iron ◘Quarter Staff ◘Black cotton pants ◘Thin leather apron ◘Tent, 1 person ((Set up on the outskirts of Sunberth)) ◘Bedroll ◘Book (Mushrooms) ◘Water Additive ◘Two pots of Honey ◘Chef's Toolkit ◘One Cat ◘3 Vials of Colored Ink ◘Dead Man's Pants ◘Dagger ◘Pan ◘1 Pendant ◘Coin pouch containing 15 cm Ledger
+100 Gold Rimmed Mizas +500 GM (Turned in housing) -4 cm (Salt) -4 sm (Parsley) -3 sm (Sage) -4 sm (Basil) -10 sm (Onion) -2 gm (Sugar) -5 sm (Pot, Iron) -4 sm (Tea Leaves) -1 gm (Quarter Staff) -1 sm (pants) -3 sm (leather apron) -2 gm (Tent, 1 person) -1 sm (Bedroll) -4 gm (Smoked Beef, 1 lb) -3 gm (Water additive) -2 sm (2 pots of honey) -45 (Spring costs) -8 cm (Two drinks) -12 gm (3 vials of colored ink) -1 sm (Black cotton pants) -3 sm (Leather Apron) -10 gm (Chef's Toolkit) -45 gm (Summer Living Cost) -28 gm 10 sm (2 pendants -50 GM (Boat Passage) +12 GM (Essik) - 45 GM (Living Expenses) +15 SM = 364 gm, 49 sm, 86 cm Heirloom
A necklace with a black pendant, taken from her father's dead corpse. Lores
Lore of pitch(Singing) Lore of cooking herbs Lore of Slight Fear Of Storms Lore of Animal Husbandry: Having A Pet Lore of Asking For Help In A Bad Situation Lore of Being An Orphan Lore of Giving Back To The Orphanage Lore of Special Attack: Knee To The Groin Lore of Run From Thugs; Run Faster! Lore of Sunberth Alleys(Basic) Lore of Seagulls Are Evil Birds! Lore of Combat Technique; How To Throw A Punch Lore of Old Friends (Canali And Drayton) Ale Is Tasty Cooking Is Important, Too Should I Stay Or Should I Go Identifying Eyes In The Dark Improvised Weapons(Basic) Mercy For An Injured Foe Am I A Murderer? Making Slingshots(Basic) Annoying Antar(Basic) Falling Asleep With A Rogue Falling Asleep In The Saddle Beware The Puppy Dog Eyes! Falling Off A Log Why You Shouldn't Leap From A Wagon Attacked By A Squirrel: Acorn Barrage Below The Belt! Special Technique: Elbow Jab of Anger! Being Outraged By Antar Fond Memories:Teaching Nasib(basic) Tea making: A morning ritual Tea making(basic flavors of tea) Vantha Eye Colors and their meanings(basic) Essik(basic) Essik: Subconscious Attractions, or just manipulations? Subterfuge: Lying about boyfriends Knowledge of the Circus(Basic) Lore: Identifying Wild Berries Thread List :
Thread List:
Making A 'Friend' Winter 57 Year 508 AV -Canali/Cid/Gwen/Zavyr/Voxxus/Qu Canali meets with the vigilante crew of Sunberth, which later crumbled. -Discontinued Lyin' Thieves! Bah, Humbug! Spring 20 Year 508 AV -Canali/Rhuryc Canali meets Rhuryc at the market, after a merchant wrongly accuses her of stealing a pendant exactly like the one hanging around her neck. -Discontinued Hidden Away Summer 3, Year 508 AV -Canali/Ethan Having stolen an armful of books from a vendor, Canali escaped into the woods. Unfortunately, a young boy who was malnourished and bruised, not to mention scraped up, fell out of the tree above her. Canali has to nurse him back to health. -In work Ships Aren't Fortes Summer 33, Year 508 AV -Canali/Voxxus Drawing the sea, Canali grew a little too bold and almost drowned after wandering into the current. Voxxus saved her, giving her CPR. Light flirting ensues. -Closed These Belong To You Summer 47, Years 508 AV -Canali/Voxxus At the market, Canali spots Voxxus's master's ship coming into port. Hiding, Canali managed to trip Voxxus. The rest is unsure. -In work Interlace Spring 8th Year 511 AV -Canali/Cid Wandering at night where she shouldn't have been, Canali was attacked and almost raped two drunk men. Cid, a vigilante friend, came to the rescue before taking her to a tavern. Canali hurt her foot in the process. -Discontinued What Happened To Your Face? Spring 11, Year 511 AV -Canali/Drayton Several days after the incident with Cid and the drunk men, Canali ran into Drayton, a childhood friend, at the market. The pair hit it off, leaving to practice some unarmed combat. -In work Sunberthian Picnics Summer 3, Year 511 AV -Canali On her twentieth birthday, Canali revisited where she had grown up; the orphanage. Having made up her mind to make the kids smile like she hadn't so long ago, Canali made a picnic at the orphanage and took five kids on a picnic in the wilderness.Definitely a good birthday. -Closed Together Or On Our Own Summer 4, Year 511 AV -Canali, Eryss, Carina, Cade, Mok, Antar, Kiara,Corinth, Bob The Crimson Edge was formed. -In work Witch Hunt Summer 5, Year 511 AV -Canali/Kiara/Mok/Antar Leaving the tavern after the forming of Crimson Edge, all three were attacked by thieves in the alleyway. Mok was shot in the arm with an arrow. Canali took a pan from the tavern and proceeded to beat a thief to death with it. Kiara handled all the other thieves. After making an escape, Mok slipped into deliriousness. Antar then showed up, helping bring him back to the tavern for medical work. -In work Good Things Come From Dark Places Summer 13, Year 511 AV -Canali Taking shelter from a large storm that swept through Sunberth, Canali entered an old, half burnt house. Having heard a small, strange noise, Canali went to investigate. Deep inside of a hole was a kitten. Canali fished him out before stuffing him in her backpack and heading back to camp. Later, when the cat was sleeping, Canali set his front paw; he had been limping on it. This is how Canali acquired Katahr. -Closed A Little On The Shotty Side Summer 20, Year 511 AV -Canali/Antar Canali and Antar go hunting after Canali manipulates him into it. Katahr, Canali's cat goes also. While Antar has weapon skill, Canali doesn't, so she makes a slingshot. Did I mention she doesn't have good aim? -In work Free Advertising Summer 30, Year 511 AV -Canali/Essik Essik was advertising the Circus on a side of a building, before dropping the paint. Splattered with it on the ground, Canali went up after him. -In work Even Bears Like Smoking Summer 38, Year 511 AV -Canali/Jaiyahe
Out in the woods smoking some fish the old way, Canali was attacked by a bear who had been attracted by the smells. So had a treasure hunting Jamoura. -In work |