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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]
by Markus Andres on May 1st, 2011, 4:13 am
90th of Summer. 505 AV.
Markus and his master walked side by side. The two walked in silence. The master wearing a huge set of armor, the squire wearing night gowns. Leaving the barracks where many of the squires slept. They would be nearing his masters room soon.
’Go get your shield and do as usual.’
”I thought you were saying we would train with weap-”
’Patience. Go get your shield and armor.’
Markus sighed heavily and walked by his master into the room. Finding the shield lying on a table with the armor. As the began to put on the individual pieces of armor. Markus started to uncover what was lying underneath the heavy armor. There was a sword, seemingly a bastard sword. And an axe next to it. Markus scoffed at the axe and picked up the shield lastly. He felt something collide with his back. His master making sure the armor fitted and that Markus was properly protected. Markus considered to reach out and grab the sword. A real weapon! But he stepped away after grabbed the strappings on the inside of the shield tightly and stood at attention in front of his master. Markus smiled at the memory of their last encounter. Where Markus had attacked his master using the shield as an offensive weapon.
’Tell me the purpose of the knights.’ – Markus stayed silent for a couple of moments before giving an answer to this random question.
”Protect Syliras and bring civilization to the masses.”
”With… Err… A huge army of knights?” – Markus cheeks burned red as five fingers crossed his face. He really should have put on the helmet.
’By example and discipline. Repeat it!’ Markus grudgingly repeated his masters words and also noted his masters emphasis on the discipline part. ’Behind you are two weapons.’ He would have wanted to continue talking, but Markus snort made him stop. ’What?’
”An axe is hardly a weapon fitting a knight. It is a tool for farmers and laborers!” Markus stared defiantly into his masters eyes. Knowing full well that he was probably going to slap him again. But to Markus’ surprise and relief, his master didn’t do anything.
’Your narrow mindedness will get you killed one day.’ His master said in a calm tone. It unnerved Markus who thought his master was threatening him. ’Forget the noble tales of the knights and focus on reality. Now. The two weapons behind you have each their strong points and weaknesses. The axe packs tremendous power. In the hands of a strong man. Like a farmer or a laborer. An axe can hack through plate armor worn by knights.’
Markus understood why his master was saying that. Telling him that something as lowly as a mere peasant could be able to kill a knight. While armed with a tool of all things. Outrageous.
’… But to do that, the axe have to travel in a wide arc, that is easy to intercept in combat. Now the back side of the axe, while flat and looking less dangerous, is in fact just as dangerous. While it won’t necesarily break through the armor of a knight, it will damage the body underneath the armor. – It is the same idea behind a mace. – Repeat.’
Markus repeated it in his own words.
’The sword – ’ His masters lack of correction, was the only thing that told Markus that he had remembered correctly. ’- has more options than a swing. The most dangerous part of the sword is the tip. Designed to impale the enemy. Know, that a slash from a sword, in most cases won’t harm an armored knight, but will prove devastating to an unarmored opponent. Repeat.’
Markus repeated it once again. He really hated his masters form of training. It was so dull… All theory. |
Last edited by
Markus Andres on May 1st, 2011, 4:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

Markus Andres - The OTK
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by Markus Andres on May 1st, 2011, 4:14 am
Or so he thought.
His masters blade wiped out. Markus’ instincts kicked his body into overdrive. Markus raised his shield in a sloopy manouver. It was easily thrown aside. Markus felt his chest get hit by something hard and Markus stumbled back.
’How many times. Always be prepared. Now pick one of the weapons and follow me. Choose wisely.’ Markus turned to look at the two weapons. After the briefest of time considering, he chose the sword. What kind of knight used an axe? Markus followed his master to a sparring place. Wondering what was wrong with his office. Or bedroom. Or whatever that place was.
”Why are we here?”
’Tell me about this place.’
”… It’s a square sparring place. Made of dirt.”
’And what does that mean?’
”… That it lacks vegetation?”
Markus stumbled back from the force of the blow to his face. This time he didn’t go unconscious. Improvement.. He felt the anger boil inside. He really wanted to draw his blade and just cut the man a part. But it was a dull blade. It would take too long to cut him apart. Markus blinked away the tears forming in his eyes. His master really hadn’t held back with that punch.
’I hope you will notice the difference next time. Now, draw your sword’ Markus drew his sword and felt the weight. Markus closed his eyes for a moment and realized he wouldn’t be able to use that arm the next day, ’You will be learning the most common attacks routines. Now, put on your helmet.’ Markus did as he was told. He immediately hated the narrowment of his vision.
’The most basic attacks are as following.’ Markus saw his masters sword swing out. Not at Markus, but he still stepped away. Watching his master go through 8 different attacks. The first eight were a vertical chop, and then shifted the blade 45 degrees each time, until he made a full circle. The only one missing was the direct opposite of the first attack. A vertical slash from below and up. Markus figured that strike was too awkward for it being a basic attack. The final attack was a straight thrust at Markus. The young squire seeing the tip of the blade touch his breastplate. He didn’t have to hear his master, to know he was telling him to always be prepared.
’Now, you do it.’
Markus made the vertical chop. His master didn’t say a word. Markus then continued to the diagonal slash. Where his master’s blade stopped the swing. ’No, you’re leaving yourself open. Remember your shield. Don’t sacrifice defense for offense. Start over.’
Markus continued this way. Making mistakes over and over. Being forced to start over each time he made one mistake. His first succesful completion of the eight attacks took half a bell. By that time, Markus swore that his right arm would fall off. But it didn’t. His master saw that as a sign that he could continue training. It would take 3 bells before his master finally stopped him. |

Markus Andres - The OTK
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by Markus Andres on May 1st, 2011, 4:14 am
’Take a break. Get some water.’
”Thank you ser…” He said in a voice filled with sarcasme. He sheathed his blade and sat down for a couple of chimes. He took off his helmet and placed it by the bench. Next to his shield. First wanting to rest his legs and arms before getting water. When he felt his thirst make itself known, he walked over to the bucket with water. He crouched by the bucket and cupped his hands and dipped them below the water line and brought his head down and drank some water. As his lips touched the water. Something struck a chord inside his mind. As per instincts. Markus suddenly rolled to the left. It wasn’t a moment too soon as it appear his master was there. His right foot where Markus had been moments earlier.
Those were the only words of his master before he drew his blade. Markus did likewise. Feeling the anger rise within. Markus felt utterly petched, yet a smile crossed his lips. Markus charged at his master. He knew instinctively that he couldn’t defeat his master. Not without his shield. But the problem was that his master stood between him and the shield. Markus’ blade came in as a backhand - one of the basic attacks Markus had been practicing all morning- attacking his master’s right side. Planning to force him to open his left side for Markus to slip by. It was a simple plan. One that ought to have worked. Except his master was a lot better than Markus expected. His master’s sword blocked the blade. Markus tried to slip to the left of his master, but his master anticipated it and took a step out. Slamming his shield against Markus. Who, with his inferior weight and strength, couldn’t withstand the power.
’Be innovative.’
Markus could barely hear those words as he slid across the dirt. His right hand holding his blade tight while still keeping it far away from his unarmored face. Wouldn’t be fun poking out an eye or having his throat cut. Markus got back to his feet. Be innovative. What the petch was that supposed to mean. Markus could only think of innovative ways to cut up his master. With a sneer on his face, Markus approached his master again. Then noticed something on the ground. His shadow. Markus stormed forward again. This time, with a better plan in mind. As he got closer, he leaped. Of course, for someone barely trained in heavy armor, his leap wasn’t great. It only lifted him half a foot into the air. But with both hands around his sword. It coming right down at his master’s armored head. His master did something Markus had expected. He lifted his head a little to better gauge the blade. Then was when he was supposed to have been blinded.
Blinded by the rising sun. But Markus’ tactics hadn’t worked. His master blocked the sword’s descent with his shield. And stopped Markus’ advancement with a knee. Markus fell to his back and his sword flew away from his grasp. He looked at his master. Saw him looming over him with the sword pointing at Markus’ chest.
”Yea yea… Always be prepared.”
’Nice try with the sun. Always use your surroundings to your advantage.’
Markus groaned and let his head hit the dirt. The desire to kick his master’s teeth out not vaning one bit.
’You have 2 bells for yourself. Get something to eat and drink. Meet me here again and we will go over it again.’ |

Markus Andres - The OTK
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by Markus Andres on May 1st, 2011, 4:15 am
2nd of Fall 505 AV – Half a chimes ride away from Syliras.
Markus felt uneasy. Looking at the back of the horses head as he rode. He was quite happy he was wearing full armor, including helmet with the visor up. Feeling a bit nausaiting in the strange movements. But nothing a few good deep breaths couldn’t handle.
”Mason, where are we going?”
’Ser Mason.’
”Fine. Ser Mason, where are we going?”
’Patience, Andres.’
Markus felt the familiar anger rise inside of him. He looked to the different things that were in his horses bags. He found a quiver with arrows. But no bow. On the other side he found a dagger, sheathed, naturally. He took it up and unsheathed it. Looked at it for a moment. Considering to throw it at his master’s unsuspecting back. Of course, it would just bounce off of his armor. And Markus might hit the horse. Something he would truly feel sorry about. Markus sheathed the dagger again and hid it under his travel cloak.
’We’re here. Dismount.’ Markus looked around, somewhere in the forest. There wasn’t anything particularly interesting about it.
”Great… Where’s here?” When his master didn’t answer, Markus stopped his horse, got both feet out of the stirrups and swung his right leg over the haught of the horse. But not clearing the saddle. Markus fell from the horse. Landed on his left foot. Somehow managed to stay upright with the aid of the horse. But when it moved, Markus fell all the way to his bum. The next series of words from his mouth brought a small smile to his masters mouth. A rare sight.
’Get up.’ His master said while taking the horses and tying them to a nearby tree. Giving them enough slack so they could walk a little.
’Look around. What’s different from our last training session.’
”That there is vegetation here?” Markus replied rudely. Knowing well what his master was getting it, Markus had spent the first day of fall going over the previous days training and had realized what his master had been asking about when he had told him to take a look at the sparring area.
”And elevation and obstacles and such.”
’Which means?’
”That it can be used to your advantage or disadvantage in a fight.”
’Yes. That is part of what you will be learning here today. I was wondering if you have picked up a ranged weapon. Or chosen one.’
”… That’s why you brought the quiver? You want me to choose the bow?”
’No. That was for me. I plan on shooting a couple of arrows your way. Take off your cloak. No need to ruin it.’
For some reason, Markus didn’t like his master was being to talkactive. Actually. Somehow, he hated it even more. Especially that he spoke of shooting arrows at Markus so lightly. But he did as he was told. Taking the hidden dagger and hiding it in the straps of his shield.
’But first. More sword practice.’ They both drew their swords. ’Away from the horses.’ Markus looked past his master and at the pair of horses. Markus backed away. Making sure not to turn his back to Mason at the same time, making sure not to trip over anything. Pushing down the visor.
’Remember, keep the environment in mind.’
”Shut up” Markus whispered through his clenched teeth. |

Markus Andres - The OTK
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by Markus Andres on May 1st, 2011, 4:16 am
Markus took a deep breath and analyzed the situation. His master was advancing. The sun on his right and covered by trees – no use. Markus had a slight advantage with the ground sloping down toward Mason. But Mason was still a good deal taller than him. Something Markus might use to his advantage. Find a tree with low hanging branches and strike out from there while the tree keeps him semi covered. There was no such tree nearby, but there was a tree he could use. Markus sidestepped. Bringing him closer to the nearest tree. It could guard his left flank. Giving him less area to cover with his shield. It was all good tactics. His master kept his slow advance. Perhaps giving Markus time to think of a good strategy. Perhaps because he knew no matter what Markus did, he would still win. His master was within range. Markus just had to stay close to the tree and he would have a better defensive position.
His master made a forward thrust with his sword, aimed at Markus’ chest. Easily deflected with the shield. Markus’ counter attack slammed against his master’s shield. The attack seemed puny. Barely affected the huge man. If it had been reversed roles, Markus would be stumbling sideways from the power. Seemed like Markus had lots of push ups to do. His master pushed the blade away. Made a backhanded swing at Markus. Blocked with his blade and shield. Double layered defense. Something his master had told him about. In case the first layer failed, always have a second layer to protect yourself. Not counting the armor one wore, that should be the very last line of defense.
Markus couldn’t well counter attack and instead waited for the next attack. Another direct thrust. Markus shield went across his body. Knocked the blade aside. Making sure not to over block, rather dial in his block, so it only just stopped the attack and then pushed the blade away when sure no other attack was threatening another area of his body.
Markus’ thrust his sword forward. Aimed at his master’s open right side. His master slamming the inner edge against the blade and slamming it against the tree. Pinning it. Markus tried to wrestle it free, but nothing happened. He saw the blade coming in from his own right. Markus ducked. Ducked so quickly he had to let go of the blade. The blade wooshed over his head and struck the tree with a phenomonal force. Markus didn’t flinch. Nor did he retreat. He advanced.
His right hand reaching into his shield. Where Markus’ left arm had kept the sheathed dagger pushed up against the inner woodwork of the shield. Ready for a quick extraction by a dextrous right hand. Markus’ fingers reached around the hilt and pulled it out and leaped forward. Pushing his left shoulder and shield against his master. Who didn’t give an inch. Markus’ right arm swung around. Intending to stab him in the side. Instead he only hit the edge of the shield with his wrist. The blade stopping less than an inch from his masters side.
Markus felt something hard hit the back of his helmet. Knocking him to the ground face first.
Gods... I hate that bastard. - was the thought going through his head. |

Markus Andres - The OTK
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by Markus Andres on May 1st, 2011, 4:17 am
Markus hit the ground hard. Grass poking through the visor and tickled his face.
”Garrghh…” Markus pushed off of the ground and pushed up his visor and brushed away all the grass and scratched his face where it had tickled him.
’It was a clever move using the tree. And particular well to hide the dagger from me. Almost had my kidney there.’ Praise. From Stern Mason? Markus must have done exceptionally well. Or his master was dying and wanted to leave a good impression … Probably the latter. ’But, your advantage was turned against you. What does this tell you?’
”… I don’t know. I just don’t know. Why don’t you just tell me, since you’re so clever an- Awww, for Wysar’s sake… My face…” His master tilted his face a little while Markus held his probably broken nose with his right hand.
’Wysar. Good choice. What do you know of him?’
”I don’t petching know anything, just something my dad told when I misbehaved.”
’He is the god of discipline. Something you lack. But by the time you’re a knight, you will have discipline. Trust me.’
That was one of the few times Markus ever felt like running away from a challenge. He felt he had a greater chance of survival if he went into the wilderness.
’Now, sheathe your sword and do something about that dagger.’ Markus did as he was told. Sheathed the sword and placed the dagger by a tree.
”Now what?”
’Stand still and you better put that shield to use. Oh, and remember your visor’ Markus looked at his master with horror in his eyes. The man was aiming an arrow at him. Was he seriously trying to kill Markus? When the first arrow left his masters string, Markus ducked and cowered behind his shield. The arrow went over his cowered figure.
’MARKUS ANDRES. DON’T EVER DO THAT AGAIN! If this had been in a real battle. Your actions would have killed the man behind you. Who trust you to not be such a spineless coward!’ Markus felt the anger boil in him again. ”FINE. THEN SHOOT ANOTHER ARROW AT ME! COME ON! SHOOT.” Twaang. Markus raised the shield and heard the tipless-arrow collide with his shield. Then realized that his visor was still up. Markus quickly pushed it down and peeked over the shield. Watching his master string another arrow. He watched him take aim at Markus’ feet. Markus dropped the shield down and intercepted the arrow. Or so he thought. His master had feigned the aim and instead the arrow hit Markus’ chest. The wooden arrow knocked Markus a bit back. It couldn’t penetrate the armor, not even with ten times the force his master put into his shots. It was wood against fine crafted armor. Markus was quite safe should any arrows slip past his shield.
”Can I try that?” His master responded with a simple word: TWAANG. Markus’ gut reactions made him raise the shield. The arrow flew below the shield and hit his armored thigh. His master kept aiming at the edges of Markus’ body. Pushing him to up his reaction speed. It was hard to follow an arrow in motion. Most of the time, markus simply ducked behind his shield and hoped it wouldn’t slip past him and wound the imaginary buddy behind him. When his master had shot arrows at him for half a bell … That buddy had been hit well over a dozen times.
’Markus, we’re done. Come get the bow if you’d like to try it before we go.’ Markus peeked over his shield. Almost expecting his master to shoot an arrow at him, but seeing his master hold the bow out for him to grab. He sprinted forward and skidded to a stop. Grabbing the wooden bow with his right. Aptly getting his head smacked by his master. ’You hold the bow with your left.’ Markus shifted hands.
’Good. Now put this arrow on the string and pull it back.’ Markus grabbed the arrow and put it on the string. Then tried to pull back the string. Finding he required much more strength to be able to pull back the string. Markus’ muscles tightened like weak cords. Trying to draw the string further apart from the wood. After pulling for 10 seconds. Markus gave up and released the arrow. It flew a paltry 15 feet before skipping across the grass.
”Stupid toy…” Markus muttered and handed the bow back to his master who looked quite smug. ’It seems like someone needs to build more muscles…’ – Markus hated the glint in his eyes – he also had a distinct feeling the whole thing had just been so he could make that comment. ’It is getting late. Gather the arrows and return here. You have 2 chimes or I will be riding without you.’ Markus groaned and went about picking up all the spent arrows. Some were easy to find, they were scattered around his position. Some of the arrows (those that had killed the ’buddies’ behind him) were harder to find. In the end, Markus only found two score of the arrows and he had used well over two chimes. But his master was still waiting for him.
’You’re slow. More running practice.’ Markus didn’t doubt he could pull back the string if the target was his master. With a sour look on his face, Markus put the arrows into the two quivers his master had brought. ’Mount your horse. We’re leaving.’ Markus followed orders and climbed up on his horse. Giving the horse a gentle but reassuring pat on the powerful steed’s muscled neck before waiting for his master to get a move on so he could ride behind him and glare daggers at his back. The long ride home did little to make Markus’ anger go away.
I have to spend every day with this bastard for the next five years... I wonder if they hunt down squires who try to run away...
The end. |

Markus Andres - The OTK
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by Archon on May 2nd, 2011, 1:00 pm
Illumination of Development
Markus Andres
- +5 Bastard Sword
- +5 Shield
- +4 Tactics
- +2 Horse Riding
- +1 Composite Shortbow
- +1 Dagger
Lores: The axe as a weapon (Basic), Basic sword strikes, Using the sun in combat, Hiding a dagger in your shield, Using trees in combat, Defending against an archer (Basic)
Notes:A very nice thread! I loved seeing the difference of how Markus was when he was younger, and I think you played off his relationship quite well with his Patron Knight.  |
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon. |

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