"If you're that worried about her, you're welcome to follow her yourself," He replied as he carried the bucket fairly easily. The trick was in balance so it didn't slosh. "It was her choice to go on, by the time I was sure she was really gone and not just proving a point, I would have been hours behind her, traveling with a hungry baby, with no promise of ever finding her. What would I have fed Lilani?" His tone wasn't exactly sharp, but this woman hadn't been in his shoes, didn't have a baby of her own, and wasn't in much of a position to judge his choices. "Besides, from what I heard, Rivenfall is alright for a woman willing to be a broodmare. Less so for random males, I'm not sure they're even allowed in the city. I hope she made it there, best of luck to her." he shrugged, at least as much as the bucket allowed. Yaana and he hadn't been right for each other as anything other than bedmates, but he didn't wish her ill, not in the least.
Lilani giggled as she was bounced, reaching her hands for Sira's hair. Hair was her favorite thing to wrap her hands in. She was dressed in breech clouts and an undyed tunic.
"I don't plan on leaving." He replied with another shrug. "I hope to make a life for Lili and I here. I'm learning trades. Hopefully a strider will chose me, gods know ugly pony will never get me any respect, or my... I forget what you call them, your markings."