Dayn gave a snort. “Can’t hold my liquor? Huh, that’s rich coming from a tyke scarcely off his mother’s teats, but fair enough. I don’t know why, but you look awfully familiar.” He stared off into space, briefly wondering if the boy was one of his bastards. No, he’s too ugly, he thought, and besides, he doesn’t have my chin.
“You know, if you’re looking for some dinner to go with all the free booze, you should probably steer clear of this joint. I heard one of the boys pissed in the stew,” he lied. “It’s not sanitary in the least, but that’s service for you.” Dayn had always enjoyed making up rumors, so even while he was heavily inebriated, he was careful to keep his voice down. Tyveth wouldn’t approve of him dragging the integrity of this establishment through the muck, nor would he be doing himself any favors by insulting the owner. He was about to motion for another tankard, but then he realized the scene that would cause, and reached for his hip flask instead. “Always keep some of the good stuff on you, lad,” he giggled. “Now, what did you say your name was?”