by Dimitri on May 9th, 2011, 5:32 pm
Dimitri smiled as Jaelyn arrived. She was in full plate armor, her visor lifted, her face shining from within. She was always a pleasant sight and an amazing training partner. "And good day to you Jaelyn. I've only been here for a few minutes. You ready for this?" He smiled at her brightly once more. He wasn't wearing a helmet today. He preferred the wider field of vision. He had purchased a leather bandana earlier in the day, and was currently using it to keep his hair up and out of his eyes. He had been considering cutting his hair into a close crop. A change would be nice, after all, his body was changing, becoming more adult like, and much to his own pleasure, more Knight like. He was now noticably stronger with sword and shield, his whitewood bow, and even more adept at riding on a horse. This was the fastest he'd ever seen himself change, he hoped this was a sign that he was nearing Knighthood.
He heard the familiar clip clop of horse hooves and saw Markus ride up next to them. The man waved, and Dimitri nodded, smiling. "But of course slowpoke. Are you?" Dimitri said teasingly. The third of their squirely trio was also wearing mostly full plate. Dimitri was alone in his lighter armor but didn't mind. He would just have to be faster. He knew Markus was stronger with sword and shield, but that was on level open ground. The rocky terrain around the minds would prove treacherous to those who weren't completely aware of their surroundings. His speed, mobility, and field of vision would be a huge advantage. "Shall we then?"
Dimitri set out on the road in a decently paced canter. This carried him faster than a trot, but wasn't near the speed of a gallop. He gripped with his knees as he bobbed along the road. He smiled and nodded at every person he passed, be it farmer, patrolling Knight, or traveler. To pass the time on the short trip, Dimitri called out, "Have you two decided on what you want to do after becoming Knights?" He figured the conversation would last just long enough for them to arrive at the mines.