19th Day of Winter of 511 A.V.
Mattathias awoke after sleeping for, what felt like, an eternity. He cleaned himself up and grabbed some of his rations to use as breakfast. He wasted little time and was excited and nervous about the day ahead. He was off to find a job.
Though 'what' job was not what bothered him. He was going to head over to the university and see what sort of work he could find. Matty hoped that his father having served there for over fifteen years would give him a bit of pull as a teacher's aide of some type. To try and achieve some form of 'normal' life, he wanted to go back to his childhood memories of watching his father teach mathematics and see if it would help give him some closure on that part of his life.
He took his time walking the streets remembering chasing his dad on those special days he was allowed to accompany him. Even after five years nothing could burn those vivid memories out of his mind. He could even remember what his father smelled like … it was a mix of writing ink and honey. His father loved honey and biscuits.
Matty made his way into the university. He found the administration building and walked up to the receptionist. The building itself was unchanged; not surprising considering how long it had been around. It may have been seven centuries old, but it was a magnificent place .. though it seemed less intimidating now that he was an adult.
“Hello, I am here to speak with someone within the mathematics department about a job. My father, Samsin Gideon, served as a professor of mathematics in these very halls for over fifteen years. I am Mattathias Gideon.”