Spring 32, 511 AV Aello was walking silently through Nitrozian Plaza, her left hand clutching the wooden frame of her bow rather tightly. With each step she took with the right foot, her left hand would push forward, before swinging back again while the left foot took a step, and her right hand shot forward. She was breathing evenly in through the nose, out through the mouth, her chest rising and falling steadily as she glanced up and down the street. It was crowded with people of various shapes and sizes, buzzing about their business. They seemed so very caught up in themselves that they didn't so much as notice her, or the tiny sparrow that was perched upon her left shoulder, singing a quiet, sorrowful song into the cool breeze. The sun shone down on the two of them, casting them in a pale golden light, somehow managing to seemingly shine through Aello's dark cloak. "You'd think something so simple would be easier to find within the confines of this city," Aello muttered as she continued down the street. "No matter where we go, they simply don't seem to sell them, which could only mean that we may need to simply steal some if we can't just find them soon." Yune chirped in the girl's ear, temporarily interrupting her song. "It's just... where does one look for ribbons?" Aello asked, despite her inability to understand the sparrow on her shoulder. "We've already checked most of the stores, and the People's Market." Aello sighed, she was truly beginning to get discouraged. The thin red splotches that lined the edge of her cheeks proved as much. "We won't search much longer today Yune. When the sun is directly over the city, we shall stop for lunch, and keep searching another day," she said. The bird seemed to nod its head as she sung. At least she agrees with you. Aello kept walking until she reached the edge of the plaza. There was a store there, with its windows opened wide, more than likely to let in a bit of sun, and to allow window shoppers to witness all the beautiful colors resting inside. There were various items, cloth even, which were both pale and vibrant. Some settled somewhere in-between. There were reds, and blues, greens, violets, lavender, yellow, orange, silver, gold, pink... everything the girl could possibly ever expect to see as far as colors on the visible spectrum were concerned. "Aren't they beautiful?" Aello whispered, somewhat breathless. The bird stopped singing her song, and looked into the window. She seemed as mesmerized as her owner. "Surely they'll have ribbons in there," Aello added, as she looked up at a sign that hung above the doorway. Odds and Ends, the girl smiled weakly, and then shrugged. It seems more promising than anything you have seen thus far. Aello shook her head lightly, pushing away her reluctance to continue looking as her hair tumbled around her face, tickling her. Just get it done, Aello told herself, as her hair settled on her shoulders, and in the middle of her back. She took a deep breath, and stepped up to the door that led inside Odds and Ends. Within a few seconds, she was greeted by a grunting noise, something she had assumed was produced by the large burly gentleman standing by the door. He had his arms crossed over his chest, and he seemed somewhat... angry. His lips set in a hard line, his eyes seemingly waiting for someone to take one false step. Perhaps then he gets to use those muscles to pick us up and throw us out the door, Aello thought, as she stepped further into the store. Another few steps was all it took for her to be given a greeting by a rather short, round woman, who was standing behind a small counter. "Hello, my name is Gloria, the owner of Odds and Ends. Feel free to have a look around, but don't hesitate to ask if you need help with anything." Aello smiled sweetly, and walked over to where Gloria was standing. Yune chirped at her merrily before Aello managed to so much as open her mouth. The girl blushed, as her mind fought to formulate the proper words. She needed to be sure she said everything politely and asked for what she wanted clearly. That way, Aello could actually get what she wanted, instead of being turned away. Or thrown out by the muscle man near the door. "Well, Gloria," Aello began nervously, "we've been looking for a few ribbons to make some necklaces. Four to be exact. They don't have to be anything spectacular, just something that would be able to support a wolf claw." There was a slight pause as Aello shifted her weight from her right foot to her left. "Could you please tell us if you have anything that would be suitable?" As soon as the words had left Aello's lips, the girl shifted her weight again, before nibbling on the edges of her bottom lip. Gloria was quiet for a moment, "well there is a basket of scraps you could sift through if you like. I haven't gotten around to throwing them out yet... so you may as well." Aello smiled, "thank you," she said, as Gloria held up a single finger, telling the girl to wait. She ducked down behind the counter, seemingly rummaging around for a few moments, before returning with a small wicker basket filled with frayed edges of cloth, broken beads, and ribbon. "Here you are darling," Gloria said, as she set the basket down on the counter. Aello smiled, and immediately raised her right hand to the basket, she began rummaging through all the tattered threads, and beads that tinkled against the side of the basket. She was biting her bottom lip as her heart began to pick up the pace. She just had to find something. It took her a few moments to find the first thread- a long, deep forest green one. The thread was thin, no more than a few centimeters wide, and seemed to have a stitched line along one side, as though the little white threads were the only thing keeping the whole ribbon from falling apart. One end of the ribbon seemed to have been cut on a diagonal line, and was fraying along the edges. That will do, Aello thought, as she pulled it out of the basket and lay the forest green ribbon on the counter. Aello placed her fingers back in the basket, and continued to push through everything for another few seconds, at which point, she found both a slender white ribbon, and a slightly less slender black one. They seemed to be just long enough for a necklace, and thus Aello pulled them out of the scraps bin as well. "Thanks again," Aello said. "I thought you needed four ribbons child," Gloria replied, as Aello quickly slipped her pack off her shoulder. She knelt for a moment, and opened her bag. She pulled the ribbons off the table and placed them inside. "Well, there are four claws, but it wouldn't be fair to take all the ribbons, even if they are only scraps, without giving you something. So, I will give you one to make into a necklace to sell," Aello explained, as she shifted through her bag, and pulled a claw out. She placed it atop the counter, before closing her bag back up, and slipping it over her shoulder. When she had, she stood back up. "You don't need to do that child," Gloria whispered, as she stared at the wolf claw. "But I want to," Aello said with a small smile, before turning abruptly on her heels, and walking out the door. As soon as she had reached the streets, a cool breeze pushed her long brown hair off her shoulders. Time to use what you have finally found, the girl thought, as she turned down a side street, and into a narrow alley. She walked to the end of the street, before turning left down another, to a place she knew she would not be bothered. You may work here, Aello thought, as she pulled her bag off her shoulder, and leaned it up against one of the buildings that lined the alley. She placed her bow next to that, and then slowly, lowered herself onto the ground. Her back rested against the side of a tall wooden building. It felt so cold. |