Hidaki Kono ![]() basic info Race:Human Birthday & Age :summer 24 (20 age) Gender:male Physical Description height: 5'9" Weight: 190 lbs Hair color: orange-ish red eye color: orange-ish red skin: light tan 3 scars from Day 24th. Spring, morning. ( http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic9919.html ) {see history for info on where they are} Character Concept He is the type of hyper active idiot that looks on the bright side of things. He will always try to help if some one is in trouble, even if it is a small matter. He will never look for a fight, or try to start up a fight, but if one starts up he will want to jump right into it. His top problem is the fact that he will hit on almost any beautiful girl he sees. Character History Past He was born in a family of martial artists. As he was raised he was taught the way of unarmed combat. When he turned 19 he was sent out of his home to start his own travels. Events though out life After the 24th of Spring, When Hidaki faught a Zith called Plague. He has obtained 3 visible scars on his face. one going down his right eye, one going to from his left cheek to his chin, and one small one that goes across the one on his left cheek starting from his noes Skills unarmed 29/100 starter 20/ race 6 wilderness survival 19/100 starter10/race9 Tailoring 10/100 starter 10 acrobatics 10/100 starter 10 Brawling 2/100 Lore -knows the geometrical layout of Syliras -Knows each track of beast in Syliras -Trees make poor targets, Zith (Basic), Taking a blow to give one Day 24th. Spring, morning Equipment and Possessions Martial arts outfit. 1 Waterskin 1 Backpack which contains: 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap) Food for a week Gourd containing a alcoholic drink. 1 eating knife Flint & Steel Ledger 100 gold mizas +500 cashed out on house -7sm (511 AV. Spring 20, Noon) [The Rearing Stallion] First Time in The Tavern (open) . total: 599 gm 3 sm |