Spring 68, 511 AV
Sharth had just purchased a cube of Icestone from Iceglaze hold. It was about a foot in length, height, and depth. He intended to practice his carving on it, so he borrowed a chisel set and hammer from the hold. As he was walking to find a place outside, since he preferred to work outdoors. Nature calmed him after all. He spotted an open area beneath a pine tree. As he lumbered over, carrying the block easily, much to the surprise of some of the more naive natives, he felt his right thigh spasm violently. He let out a small roar and dropped to a knee. His thigh was throbbing hard in pain as he dropped the Icestone in the snow. It had been sore ever since his long trip to Avanthal but he figured it was nothing. But now he knew he needed to seek out some assistance. Back home he'd go to a healer and they would massage out the muscle. He didn't know if they had similar individuals here.
A concerned Vantha woman came over, her eyes shifting from crystal blue to a more reserved emerald. She said some Vani words he didn't understand. He responded with some words he managed to pick up since he'd arrived. In broken Vani, Please. Help. Pain. Where? The woman smiled and pointed in the distance, and replied in Vani, "Whitevine Hold" She smiled at him and looked down at him with kind eyes. He pushed himself up to a standing position supporting himself on his good leg. He picked up the Icestone and tucked if under his arm. He smiled at the woman and said in Vani, "Thanks. You."
He limped slowly, painfully toward Whitevine Hold. Each step caused him to wince. He considered dropping to all fours but he would be able to carry his Icestone then. So he gritted his teeth and fought through the pain. He walked for nearly thirty chimes, the pain in his leg increasing. He finally came upon Whitevine hold. He entered the first floor, looking around for anyone when his leg gave out once more. He dropped hard to his knee again, roaring in pain loudly. His thigh was visibly spasming now, his face contorted in pain.