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While Sylira is by far the most civilized region of Mizahar, countless surprises and encounters await the traveler in its rural wilderness. Called the Wildlands, Syliran's wilderness is comprised of gradual rolling hills in the south that become deep wilderness in the north. Ruins abound throughout the wildlands, and only the well-marked roads are safe.
by Plague on May 17th, 2011, 8:03 pm
44th of Spring 511AV
This was a night perfect for the shedding of blood, the night sky was clear and still. It was a perfect opportunity for Plague to practice his skills on a member of the animal community. However tonight was not a night that hunting was needed for food, no tonight was a hunt for the legacy.
Plague learned at a young age of Malediction, his grandfather had taught him how to craft a talisman out of the remains of dead animals. To carve the circles, and the proper method of giving your blood as the catalyst for the magic. He had always found this art interesting, but didn't get to practice it nearly often enough. But now that him and his brother had found a place to settle down for a while, Plague decided that it would be beneficial to start practicing the legacy. Indeed he would begin the process tonight, by going on a hunt. A hunt for bones.
Now to decide what bones he needed for his work. Bandits and travelers were beyond Plague at this point, so he was relegated to the hunting of animals. A good animal would be a fierce hunter, however that fierce hunter could be quite difficult to kill. However a bird of prey would be easy enough, it would be hard to catch, but if Plague were able to catch one. It would be simple enough to kill it. He was a Zith after all, the lords of the night sky. |
Last edited by
Plague on May 17th, 2011, 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Plague - Player
- Posts: 44
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- Joined roleplay: May 13th, 2011, 9:36 pm
- Race: Zith
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by Plague on May 17th, 2011, 9:03 pm
With the object of his hunt decided upon, Plague began his search for a great warrior of the sky. He flew deep into the forests, looking for an eerie or something else that was definably marked as the resting place of a bird of prey. However something that e had not counted on was his complete lack of skill in hunting. Aimless wandering seemed to be a complete waste of time, and sailing the skies in random patterns just wasn't working for him. But he had seen Neek hunt often enough that the basic idea was ingrained in Plague's mind.
You look methodically, slowly, and carefully. Scan the treetops as you go, if an eagle nest is in one, there will be an abnormal lump in the tree. This is the sort of advice his brother would have given him, and honestly he would have been beaten if he had done so. But the advice was sound nonetheless.
So Plague began to slow his frantic search, actually taking the time to listen and to watch. He went on like this for about two bells and was getting ready to lose interest, when he heard a scraping sound coming from the forest floor. His curiosity peaked, Plague dropped slowly down to the earth and tried to find the source of the noise. It took him several minutes to locate it, but when he did Plague was shocked to see a wounded eagle. It's left wing was severely damaged, and it was limping around attempting to fly.
Without a second though plague leapt forward and snapped it's neck with his powerful hands. He looked over the bird to ensure that it was a good specimen and then leapt back in the air to head home with the eagle grasped firmly in his hands. |

Plague - Player
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- Joined roleplay: May 13th, 2011, 9:36 pm
- Race: Zith
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by Plague on May 20th, 2011, 6:34 pm
Flying is hard work without any added weight, but with a full grown eagle in his hands, Plague had a hard time staying airborne as he flew towards his camp. But he managed to make it there, although it had taken a toll on his energy level. Here enlay the beauty of his project, in order for Plague to access the wonderful bones of this predatory bird he must first partake of it's flesh.
So in with that in mind Plague began pulling the feather out out of the eagle, he worked his way around the body plucking as he went. It took the Zith a good 20 chimes before he managed to get the bird fully plucked. But when he had finished with that, he took a bone knife and severed both of it's feet and it's head. They would be the portions he used for the Malediction project.
The rest of the bird was fair game to the ravaging of the hungry Zith, and he made short work of the flesh. Leaving the bones that were unworthy of his attention in a pile, Plague turned his eyes upon the objects that he had set aside. The skull and talons of an eagle. |

Plague - Player
- Posts: 44
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- Joined roleplay: May 13th, 2011, 9:36 pm
- Race: Zith
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by Plague on May 20th, 2011, 10:28 pm
Before Plague began to carve the circle on his choice peices of material, he took the intestine of the eagle and draped it over the fire so that it would dry. He would use the dried intestine for the string of the necklace. But as soon as he started to dry the intestine he began to work on the skull of the eagle.
He began by cleaning the surface until it was free of any imperfections and gleamed in the moonlight. He then reached for his carving knife, and began to shape a circle in the center of the birds forehead. In this circle Plague carved an eye in the form of an eagle, and inside of the pupil he carved the word sight. It circled around inside of the eye, being written multiple times in decreasing sizes.
Plague then moved on to the talons of the bird, breaking off four large claws he carved identical circles on each one. In the center of these circles was carved a single drop of blood, and in the drop of blood a single letter. Each of the four claws held one letter of the word fear.
This proces took the Zith several hours and the night was nearly over. The first rays of the sun were appearing over the horizon. So Plague quickly took the now dried intestine and cut it to the proper length. After he had finished this he attached both the skull and the four talons (2 talons on either side of the skull) to the improvised rope.
The finished project created a swelling of pride in the heart of the Zith warrior. This was a project of greatness, he could feel the strength within that needed to be released. So he quickly but reverently took his bone knife and slit his wrist. Providing blood for the activation of the circles. |

Plague - Player
- Posts: 44
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- Joined roleplay: May 13th, 2011, 9:36 pm
- Race: Zith
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by Archon on May 24th, 2011, 5:07 am
Illumination of Development
- +2 Hunting
- +2 Malediction
- +1 Carving
- +1 Brawling
- +1 Detection
Lores: Eagle (Basic), Plucking a bird
Other: Crippled Ken: This bulky necklace, composed of an eagle's skull flanked by two claws on each side, grants the wearer exceptionally sharp eyesight when worn. They can easily make out a small animal, like a rabbit, at distances up to a mile. However at the same time the wearer is filled with a frantic fear that makes it difficult to hold still or focus on anything, and all appendages on their left side above the waist (Arms, wings, etc) are crippled as if broken.
Notes: A simple little Malediction thread. I would have liked to have seen a bit more description and work put into the various steps, so I could award you more experience, but you followed all the steps nicely. On a side note, as much of a nice dramatic finish it was to have Plague slit his wrist to finish the project it gave me the mental image of Neek awakening the next night to find Plague having bled out during the day.  |
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon. |

Archon - Luminous Herald
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- Joined roleplay: April 17th, 2011, 12:34 pm
- Location: AS of Syliras
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