[The Cobalt Mountains] Time for training (open)

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Stretching northward along the coastline of the Suvan Sea, the Cobalt Mountains are the home of the Bronze Wood, numerous ruins, and creatures both strange and fantastical.

[The Cobalt Mountains] Time for training (open)

Postby Hidaki Kono on May 20th, 2011, 3:38 pm

Day 24th. Spring, morning.

Hidaki had descided to go train his body to improve his skills after spending a couple days in sylaris, so he traveled out the the cobalt mountains. He was still close to the city and not all that far into the woods.

"Ahhh," he said has he took a deep breath and exhaled " it looks to be a fine day for training." The sun was shining, the win was calm, and there was little clouds in the sky.

After he took in the scenery he started getting prepared for training. He took of the top part of his outfit, throwing it on the ground. He never did like the feel of his shirt clinging to him as he trained.

For the first part of his training he walked up to a tree that was think and sturdy."Ok, let's start" he said as he got in his fighting stance. He started to punch the tree over and over counting one, two as hit alternated each punch. He was determined to keep on like this till noon, but he usually could only keep it up for a couple of hours before he started to do some bad damage to his hands.. With each punch the gloves he was wearing started to rip and tare untill he was hitting the tree with just his bare hands.
After 2 hours of punching the the tree his hands were bleeding, and he just only distroyed the bark covering the tree. " Man, as I thought I still can't last longer," he said shaking his hands that were bleeding and in serious pain. He decided that it woould be a good idea to take a break, so that he wont serously injure his hands. He fell down to the ground exahusted, and stared at the sky. He held up his bleeding hand smiling, thinking of when he trained like this back at home. He stayed laying down in the grass waiting to recover enough to start training again.
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[The Cobalt Mountains] Time for training (open)

Postby Plague on May 20th, 2011, 4:33 pm


It was terrible to be up as such a disgusting hour. Zith are night creature, and Plague had a natural hatred of the light. It didn't hurt him, but it wasn't exactly pleasant either. However he had eaten something that hadn't gone well with his stomach last night, and had made note of the fact that eating rotting deer flesh was a bad idea. It had kept him up all night, and now he just need to fly off the effects of the meat.

So Plague left Neek still sleeping, and flew off in the direction of the bronze woods. Flying was hard work, and he could feel the powerful muscles of his back straining to keep him airborne. It was a constant struggle against gravity and the wind. While on the ground the day may seem calm, the skies would tell a different story.

But after what seemed like an eternity of flight, Plague saw a man laying on the ground in the forest. While the first thought that came to mind was that of a decent meal, the second was curiosity about what the man had been doing. So pushing aside his hunger for the moment, Plague dropped down next to the man. "Why do you lay as though you are dead, human? Answer quickly, or I may lose patience and devour you."
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[The Cobalt Mountains] Time for training (open)

Postby Hidaki Kono on May 20th, 2011, 5:09 pm

Hidaki had his eyes closed and didn't know that Plague hand landed near him untill he had spoke. What the man said trouble Hidaki the parry about devouring him. So he opened his eyes too look at the man.

As Hidaki opened his eyes a shocked expression showed on his face. Hidaki had only seen humans so far though out his life but herd of different races. He had also was told that some of them were dangerous.

His shocked face turned into a nervous smile." heh.. I was just resting up from my training," he said and then pointed to a tree with his hands covers in blood,"its a type of training I do,"

The tree he had been punching was covered with his blood. Also on the tree was traces of his gloves, though there were shredded now.
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[The Cobalt Mountains] Time for training (open)

Postby Plague on May 20th, 2011, 5:21 pm


Plague took notice of the man's shocked expression, and showed his fierce teeth in a grin of sadistic pleasure. The human was quite obviously frightened by him, but why shouldn't he be. Plague was a tall, strong, and fierce Zith warrior, and that meant that eating human flesh was certainly not a foriegn concept to him.

"Oh, so you are a warrior?" questioned Plague with a hint of mockery. "Would you be willing to show me some of these battle skills? If so I'll consider keeping you off of my lunch menu. What do you say, human?

Plague ended this statement with a short bark of laughter, knowing that he would get his fight either willingly or unwillingly. He flexed his wings as he waited for an answer from the so called warrior human.
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[The Cobalt Mountains] Time for training (open)

Postby Hidaki Kono on May 20th, 2011, 8:34 pm

Hidaki stood up looking at the man as he spoke. After the man finished speaking Hidaki started show a small grin from what the man had said."First off I am no warrior," he said as he picked up his shirt he had thrown down earlier,"and secondly sure i would love to test my skills. Hidaki started to rip his shirt to make poor makeshift hand wrappings to put over his wounded hands. When he had finished wrapping his hands he got into his fighting stance."By the way," he said, "my name is Hidaki." As he waited for the man's response, his eyes narrowed, his grin had went away, and he was full on ready to fight his hardest.
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[The Cobalt Mountains] Time for training (open)

Postby Plague on May 20th, 2011, 9:00 pm


Plauge laughed harshly as the human stated that he was no warrior, no ordinary man went to the forest to punch trees, only a warrior did that. But then again he had shown fear in the sight of a potential enemy, so he may very well be telling the truth. But it mattered little, Plague would soon know the truth. If he was a warrior Plague would allow him to live, if he was a fake... he would not.

A test of skills, Plague hadn't thought of it that way before. Maybe he should make a habit of this, testing his prey before he killed them. It would be an interesting procedure to say the least. But thoughts of the future must wait, his opponent was almost finished wrapping his blood stained hands, and he was saying something about names. Why were names so important to this wingless species, a Zith wouldn't find the need to tell someone his name. They would know each other by their scent. "I care not for your name human, I know your scent. That is all that matters."

It seemed that the need for formality was over, the human had dropped his ridiculous grin and stood ready for the fight. Plague grinned, his fierce teeth gleaming in the sun. Now was the time for a fight, now was the time for the proof of stregth. He was a Zith, the lords of the sky and land. He would show this human the meaning of fear.

Before his charge Plague let out a growl of anger and let his wings stretch out to their length. Then he thrust with them to send his body barreling towards Hidaki as his wings folded towards his back. His burst of speed had reduced the intial distance to nothing in a matter of seconds, and Plague began to strike hard and fast at Hidaki's face and body. However he would cause damage whether or not he actually struck the man, his claws would cut into any block that Hidaki tried to make.
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[The Cobalt Mountains] Time for training (open)

Postby Hidaki Kono on May 20th, 2011, 9:21 pm

Hidaki's eyes widened as the remarkable speed that the Zith had shown. He new it was too fast to dodge with his speed. "Heh" he muttered under his breath as he blocked using his left shoulder intensionally getting hit. The pain from the attack was great and the Zith's speed and power pushed him back. Hidaki winced in pain but didn't let it stop him from trying a counter attack. He grabbed one of the Zith's arm with his right hand, and used his strength by pulling on the arm and movement from his feat to get to one of his wings, and having some skill in acrobatics he is able to move his body to do this. He new that he wouldn't be able to handle anymore of those attack so he had to at least try and damage one of them. He tried to grab one of his wings with the intention of grabbing it then, doing a swift kick to break it, but the Zith may have something up his sleeve.
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[The Cobalt Mountains] Time for training (open)

Postby Plague on May 20th, 2011, 9:35 pm


Plague laughed as he felt his claws sinking into the soft flesh of the humans shoulder, and continued striking the surrounding area. He managed a few cuts to the the arms and chest, but failed to get any significant strikes to Hidaki's face. However he was feeling quite good about his achievements when the human managed to pull something unexpected.

He felt his right arm being pulled, and when he angrily pulled back Hidaki followed the arm around to his side. Where he began to tug on the strong right wing of the Zith warrior. That was a skilled maneuver and the creativity impressed Plague. But as Hidaki pulled on the wing, Plague burst them out bringing himself into the air. He then proceeded to dive at full speed into the man. If he could deliver enough force to down the human this fight would soon be over.
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[The Cobalt Mountains] Time for training (open)

Postby Hidaki Kono on May 20th, 2011, 11:00 pm

When the Zith burst his wings it sent Hidaki back. "Tch, didn't work" he said as he watch the Zith fly up high. He had never been against a opponent that could fly so it was making things difficult for him. The pain from his hands and shoulder were starting to catch up to him quicker than he expected. When the zith charged at him again, he readied his fighting stance trying to think of something that can help him. He know that he would't be able to dodge it in time, and if he blocked it would end badly for him. Just as the zith was about to attack Hidaki thought that he could use the Zith's own speed and power agianst him, but it would cause him to get hurt badly in the process. He showed a small smile as he took the chance he had, and threw a right punch as fast and as hard as he could at the Zith when the Zith attack attacked.
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[The Cobalt Mountains] Time for training (open)

Postby Plague on May 21st, 2011, 12:09 am


As he dove, Plague felt his heart rise in his chest. He was a hunter of the sky, this was the method of attack he should be using. This wingless one had no ability to dodge the strike of the Zith, but he began to something even more ingenious. He threw a punch.

What sort of idiot threw a punch at something diving at him out of the air? It was insane, ridiculous, and it had potential of working marvelously! But the Zith had other plans. As he dove, Plague turned his body slightly to the side, the punch would strike him flat in the chest, but his claws would be on the warriors face by that time.

So as he struck the man, Plague felt a great pain in his chest. It felt as if he had run into a boulder. But he shook off the pain enough to where he could strike at the head of his opponent. He struck once, twice, thrice, and hoped that this would be enough to down the thickheaded human.
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