Wind, Words And Mizas [Solo]

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

Wind, Words And Mizas [Solo]

Postby Kit Rowan on May 21st, 2011, 12:55 am

511 AV, Season of Spring, Day 37

Kit had taken off her sandals and was beginning her stretches when she saw them.

Whet and Darilava turned in on the corner to her left, Whet talking nonstop while Darilava listened, nonplussed. Kit caught Whet's eyes, and they looked one another over. Her, dressed in bright colors and stretching for her acrobatics, and him, wearing his most ridiculous purple short-brimmed hat and a hideous polka-dotted coat that could only serve to draw attention; which was all Whet was looking for.

He quirked an eyebrow in a way that Kit guessed meant 'you sure?' Kit smiled, bright and sunny, and kept on stretching as if she had seen nothing. Whet closed his eyes. He cracked his neck to one side, then the other.

She stood. On impulse, Kit pulled a red sash from her bag and tied it around her wrist. Then, she took a green one, and put a it on the other side. She held her hands out, and they fell only a little further than her waist. Not so long that she would get tangled in it. Kit dropped a broad-brimmed hat in front of her and left a few silver mizas in it, to remind watchers that coppers were for cheap, motherless bastards.

Whet pulled a bag of apples from his pack and held them like they were his salvation. Darilava scowled at both of them, muttered something under his breath and pulled out three multicolored balls. He began to juggle.

It was her or them. Kit suppressed the urge to swallow. Her teacher, her friend, her elder. She forced herself to push past it all. Her or them. Only business. Kit tasted the words on her tongue, then spat to the side of the street. Her performance would do the talking.
Last edited by Kit Rowan on July 23rd, 2011, 2:15 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Wind, Words And Mizas [Solo]

Postby Kit Rowan on May 21st, 2011, 11:58 pm

"Come see!" Whet spread his hands wide, "Darilava, Symenestra of Kalinor!" His eyes were alarmed, his gestures frantic, and Kit remembered that the Sym were thought more than killers. They were the seducers; the sweet voice that drew girls in even though they knew better. That was what Whet was calling on; their exotic curiousity. "The spider of Kalinor, come to entertain you," Whet said, and Darilava looked at him like he would have growled if he'd cared enough. "Juggling! Knife throwing! More! All we ask is a little tithe, just a little. We wish only to entertain, but we must eat!"

"All you have is words, old man," Kit called back from across the street, and punctuated it with a backwards flip. She landed well, put her hands high in the air and tilted her head at an angle that said so? She said it not just to Whet, but to the whole road, as he had when he advertised. It was not just a taunt; it was a spectacle. They were part of the same show now, and whoever played their part better would get the spoils of it all.

"You wound me Kit!" He used her name, and the stakes rose a little more. "Did we not teach you? Did we not help you when no one would?"

She grinned, long and sharp, and said "a long time ago," Kit said, and she meant it. She fell into a cartwheel, and turned not once or twice but three times, and when she came to a stop she tapped her heel against the ground behind her and smiled wide. "But things are different now!"

They had a crowd, albeit a small one. "Are they?" Whet asked, and pulled an apple from his bag. Darilava caught his balls in the air and repositioned himself. "You have much to learn!" And then one of Darilava's knives cut clean through the apple. Their crowd ooed and aawed.

It was a bit of a strain to keep her smile then. "Really?" She said, and tilted her head to the side, and that tilt turned into another cartwheel, but this time she stopped after the first and, not stopping, bounced backward. She flipped once and hit the pavement gracefully. "I doubt it," she said, and the crowd was still wavering. Who to watch? Who to pay? There were some who had already dropped a few coins into her hat and were watching the show, and some on Whet's side, and a few blessed souls who had paid both. But most were on the fence.

She needed the money. Needed. What she did would not bring in half so much as she wanted, but there was a quota Kit needed to reach. Kit was many things, but she was not rich. One of the pair of them would pull ahead, and take the money with them.

Who? Who? Who?

Me, Kit thought, and desperately hoped that she could prove that she was worth it.

Whet had pulled a volunteer into the circle, and Kit knew she couldn't do the same without the audience thinking that she had taken the idea from him. "Everyone!" He called, and clapped his hands. "Do like me!" And one by one, they picked up the rhythm of the beat, clapped their hands, and outside people turned their eyes toward the noise to see what was going on. He pulled in another, and gave them all apples. "I call it the Eypharian throw!" He announced, proud, and gave them each an apple.

Kit gritted her teeth, put her hands on the ground and pulled herself into handstand. She kept them pointed high, concentrated on her own performance as she heard the clapping. I'll draw them back, she thought. I'll draw them back. She pointed her toes in opposite directions, to her left and right, her front and back. Kit let herself roll back on the ground and sprung up in the same motion, and she intended to do more.

But she had no watchers at all; their eye were all on Whet and Darilava, clapping their hands and hooting. Kit forced herself to smile, raised her hands into the air to get ready to try again, but she knew the cause was lost. They had won the crowd, and she had won nothing.

Kit felt hollow, and though the sun was up and shining bright, she was not spared a chill.
Last edited by Kit Rowan on June 17th, 2011, 6:30 am, edited 3 times in total.
Unless Otherwise Stated, Expect Kit To Have Already Disguised Herself With Illusionism As 'Shy' In Every Ravok Thread.
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Wind, Words And Mizas [Solo]

Postby Kit Rowan on May 22nd, 2011, 7:25 pm

"I've got them all worked up for you," Whet said, and gave Kit an elaborate bow, tipping his odd purple top-hat to her. She let her arms fall back to her side and breathed. It had been a long, hot day. Whet was smiling, and he looked little different from when he had started out that day. No wonder, she thought, trying to wipe the sweat from her eyes without much success. He didn't even do anything.

That was how they did their job. Darilava provided the talent, and Whet ensured there were people there to watch and pay for it. Kit had known that, but she'd been sure she could at least match the pair of them. So much for that. It had been a dry day for her because they had set up by her. Kit felt like a sullen child caught playing with fire; disobedient and above all that stupid. Which was wrong, because they had set up by her first and taken her spot, and all of her audience.

"Not hard feelings little fox," Whet said, stilling smiling that performer's smile of his. "It's just the way things are." He held out his hand. Kit bit down on her lip a moment, staring, before she took it. His grip was flimsy and weak. "I know that next time," he said, "you'll know better than to come where Whet and Darilava work their magic."

Darilava stopped for a moment. "Little girl," he said. "You are an idiot." Then he marched away, following Whet with the capricious pride Kit had only ever seen in cats and Darilava.

Watching their backs, Kit bit down on her lip, wondering what it would take before she would be able to perform beside them. It hurt to think that she could left so far behind, and so easily.

Kit closed her eyes and imagined for a moment that it had been different, that the crowds were around her, clapping as she spun and leapt. They asked for more, and she gave them more, and they dropped Mizas into her hat like raindrops upon the ground.

And when she opened her eyes they were walking past her, sparing no more than a curious glance.

She sighed, raised her hands up into the air and tried again.
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Wind, Words And Mizas [Solo]

Postby Mercury on June 17th, 2011, 4:37 am


Kit Rowan

  • Acrobatics + 5 XP
  • Busking+ 3 XP

  • Coppers are for Cheap, Motherless Bastards
  • A little Friendly Competition
  • Putting on A Show
  • Winning Back the Crowd (Failure)
  • Business is Business

Method to my Madness: I'm not sure if they would have Fedoras in Mizahar, but I thought it was cute so meh ;p. Kudos for writing out Kit stretching - definitely gave you a point for that. Great one shot. I really enjoyed this.

You can address any questions or concerns to the little voice in your head. A.K.A. PM me.
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