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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Zinami on May 22nd, 2011, 6:36 am

Basic Information

Race: Mixed--- Human/Inarta
Birthday:Summer, Day 17 AV
Gender: Female
Languages: Common ]best[, Nari ]decent[, Pavi ]poor[


Physical Description

She is four feet plus eight inches in height. As far as weight goes, her slender figure weighs 105 pounds. Her hair is a dark red-brown [appearance varies on light and paint] that curls in a large mass about her face to lick at her shoulders. Her eyes are a versatile green. Her features are all very small and pale, especially her visage. Her make-up and clothing all consist of very interesting colours. She loves to put focus on her eyes, hence make-up will be dense in that general area. Her earlobes are pierced with green glass rings made by her Mother/Teacher.

Personality and The Like

She is.. well... out there. Her imagination is broad, and her mind changes faster than night to morning. She likes to travel, to explore and try her hand at many things. From art to war.
She also believes flesh is flesh, and has often been witnessed parading about nude. She is still very innocent, not wanting to grow up even if she must.
She adores literature/art, animals and cuddling.
Tolerates everything else.

Character History

One of three female children of a Human male and a Inarta Drudge Woman, she was the only one to become an artisan's apprentice and escape being a drudge like her mother.

Summer 17th of the year 494 AV, the woman gave birth to three healthy girls. She could not care for them, thus left them in the communal nursery, and then after eight years, they were bumped up to Youth, where they learned independence and skills. Of them, no one excelled quite like Zinami. She was an incredibly fast learner, especially when it came to glassblowing and other arts. However, her siblings followed the life their mother had, and soon after died of diseases.

She had felt some sort of remorse over their deaths, but she had been so care-free still. It didn't faze her until she grew older and began to understand.

By age 13, she had been taken under an artisan's wing to learn the craft better. During their time together, they had developed what could be called a mother-daughter relationship. With her, Zinami expanded her mind with literature when they were not too busy with work. She grew to love both her work and their collective pastime of reading. She had an intense curiosity for everything. Still does.

When Zinami was 19, her teacher and mother fell ill, they stopped everything so that Zinami could kneel by her side and comfort her. This woman was known as "older" and it was assumed she would not survive this illness that didn't seem contagious.

Zinami would do everything to make her laugh. She sang and danced, told silly stories, and in all, acted like a toddler. When the woman she had came to love had no tolerance for such things, Zinami would massage her while she talked about her life. Usually these sessions ended in tears for both of them.

The artisan had no children of her own, and when she passed on, she gave Zinami all of her mizas and possessions to do with as she pleased. Zinami chose to flee the place that held such painful memories of her loved ones.

She traveled so far, for so long, on foot once her Second Mother passed. She eventually came to Syliras and decided to begin again there.

Her goal had been to make people smile. She had no intentions of forgetting her family, but she didn't want to be miserable at all times. When those around her smiled, she did too. She always tried to find the pleasant in everything while ignoring the bad.

Training & Skill Points

Glassblowing: 25 points
Cosmetology: 20 points
Massage: 15 points


- Cotton Cloak
- Leather Shoes
- Average Dress
- [purple and green striped]Silk Pants 8 gm
- [black] Silk Shirt 10 gm
- [black] Dancing Shoes 15 gm
- 2 oz Cosmetics, rare 10 gm
1 Waterskin

1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
- comb
- brush
- razor
- soap

Crafter's Toolkit 25 gm
This includes things such as snips, a small hammer, clamps, punches, needle and thread and a variety of other small tools one would use when working on small craft projects.

1 eating knife

Flint & Steel


100 GM [Starting coin]
600 GM [sold housing +500 gm]
575 GM [Crafter's Tool Kit -25 gm]
567 GM [Silk Pants -8 gm]
557 GM [ Silk Shirt -10 gm]
542 GM [Dancing Shoes -15 gm]
532 GM [Cosmetics -10 gm]
531 GM [Wishing Well - 1 gm]
Thread List
Wishing Well

I'll be busy for the next couple of weeks. Sorry if responses are slow. <3
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Madness helps me save myself
Posts: 16
Words: 8058
Joined roleplay: May 22nd, 2011, 5:04 am
Location: Out n' about Syliras
Race: Human, Mixed
Character sheet

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